Good luck Tweetie,
and if you haven' call her as 6/9 suggests.
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
i went out to eat last night with my neice.
we had a few drinks and started talking.
before i knew it the conversation turned to the subject of doubts about the organization and if i recall correctly (hard when you've had a couple) she is the one that brought the conversation up.
Good luck Tweetie,
and if you haven' call her as 6/9 suggests.
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
just looking briefly on this board, i can see all the warnings given in the watchtower about those leaving the organisation and sinking into the mire of the world are true.. you are all sad losers.
Good luck finding a JW who wants to debate the serious issues. Thats really a big dream. Especially the part where they have to present the historical evidence.
The Board would really be "Smokin'" then!
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
well, our resident sooth-sayer yk has once again missed the mark, as october ends and the world spins on.
but then again, as was the case in 1914, the world may have come crashing down but i failed to notice.
You Know,
Its Nov 1st......I don't want to listen to your a up!
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
between halloween and me.
i did something that at one time i thought god would strike me dead for.
i did something that at one time i thought would make satan rejoice.
Great story....glad you had fun (obviously)
****************I am making that paradise now**************
Great statement. I'm trying to do the same thing.
I took my Grandkids out last night. The little one(5yrs) wore his alien mask on the top of his head most of the evening. He and his sister (10yrs) would run up to the house (anyway, the ones with the porch lights on)ring the doorbell and shout "Trick or Treat". When the homeowner would open the door my little guy would simply say "give me candy" hello,.... no how are you....He knew what he was there for. LOL. Then he would hug them (to thank them I suppose). The innocence of a 5 yr old is so wonderful to watch. Needless to say, he got lots of candy. At one house (next door to me) I was talking to my neighbor and I noticed my little one was not next to me. I called his name and he answered me from the back of my neighbors house. He had gone in and was checking it out. My neighbor thought he was hilarious. We made a circle of the neighborhood and down one street they had set up a haunted house and people were out in the street and it was great.
We had such a good time.
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
i realized the bondage i was under as one of jehovah's witnesses and left the organization.
it pressed fear, paranoia, and even anger in me that i wasn't used to.
i started to resent being one.
No one could have said it better.
Thank you
Sunny (wiping a tear away)
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
my impression is that recently a lot of erstwhile lurkers have progressed to the ``newbie'' class, and taken the plunge to begin communicating with the rest of us.
a most hopeful sign that thoughtful inquiry and just plain ol' curiosity is still alive, if not exactly well, in watchowerland.
what did god tell elijah, that there was still ``7,000 left in israel that had not bowed down to baal?''.
Hello to all the new ones
Lots of good stuff here.
Keep posting
Sunny (thanks for my new nikname Msil)
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
i am agnostic.
(see no fancy writing stuff).
i dont know if god exists (i think he must - but i dont know).
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
i've waisted 35 years of my life.
i sit here and listen to a bunch of people that are fighting the wtbts.
ken has all kind of stuff proving the demonization of the wtbts and we waste our time trying to convince the dead heads that the org.
how nice to see you writing again.
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
i am agnostic.
(see no fancy writing stuff).
i dont know if god exists (i think he must - but i dont know).
*******Evidently my experience counts for nothing around here.*****
of course it does. Its all interesting.
I don't fear them, but I don't love them. I do find the concept faSINating though. One of my favorite authors is Ann Rice. you know, the lady who wrote the Vampire Chronicles. Her books fasinate me. I'm reading "Memnock the Devil" right now. The books don't scare me and I don't think I will be cursed because I read her work. IT IS FICTION!. BUT, I would not try to find out if demons REALLY exist. Especially in a search to find out if God exists.
I don't want you to think I am just holed up in a corner reading "Demon Books". I also love true crime, Ann Rule especially. Romance novels? YUK! I like biographys too. Maybe thats why I enjoyed your stories so much.
your friend, CA Sun (hows that for shortening it)
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
i am agnostic.
(see no fancy writing stuff).
i dont know if god exists (i think he must - but i dont know).
Msil & BB
*******************He beleived the 'old ones' could help us using their dark powers.********************
Believe...."To except as true or real"
They "believed the old ones could help" and so when things happened the old ones got the credit.
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.